
Ripe pick your own peaches at Chiles Orchards in VA,

Goodbye, Strawberries—It’s Peach Season

June 30, 2017  |  Chiles Peach Orchard

Category: Fruit  |  Tags: fruit availability, peaches, pick your own, strawberries

Goodbye, Strawberries

One of the longest strawberry seasons in recent history has drawn to a close. The berry fields have been picked bare, their fruit gone into jams, pies, and children’s snack packs. There’s nothing like a red, ripe strawberry and we can’t wait to welcome berry-lovers back to the orchard for new year’s crop of pick-your-own strawberries next May.

What was your favorite strawberry season memory? Share your story with us and our community of “outsiders”!

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Hello, Peaches

Strawberries have had their day in the sun, which can only mean one thing—it’s peach season! The peach trees are loaded with pounds upon pounds of fresh, juicy peaches (Seriously, how do the tree limbs support so much delicious fruit?).

Pick-your-own peach season typically runs mid-June through mid-September. See our fruit availability calendar for a full schedule of pick-your-own availability, and follow us on Twitter for daily weather and picking updates, #whatspickingCPO.

Donut and white peaches won’t be the only stone fruit filling the farm market this summer: ready-picked nectarines will also be available.

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Can’t Wait to See You, Vegetables and Flowers

An exciting new venture, pick-your-own vegetables, and flowers will start sometime in July. Eat farm fresh with pick-your-own and ready-picked squash, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans, and tomatoes throughout the summer.

We dare you not to smile when presented with a colorful bouquet of our flowers. Flower varieties will vary over the next several months, with sunflowers and zinnias available throughout.

Summer is nearly upon us, and with it comes a bountiful harvest of fruit, flowers, and fun. See you at the orchard, outsiders!

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